Frances Kuffel
6 min readMar 31, 2020


Casual Observations on Social Distancing from a Semi-Agoraphobe

I’m obsessed with numbers. I lived in New York for over thirty years and the situation is so drastic that the first thing I check every morning are its COVID-19 stats. A few hours ago, there were 68,363 confirmed cases in the state, and 1,342 deaths from the virus. Two days ago the death count was 965.

I’m rooting for the home team but I’m also fascinated in that car wreck on the side of the road kind of way.

Now I live in Montana where the virus was a late entry in the race to the Pearly Gates. On March 19, 12 days ago, this vast state…



Frances Kuffel

PASSING FOR THIN, EATING ICE CREAM WITH MY DOG & LOVE SICK (6/6/14). #Socialmedia worker-bee & blogger.